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3.0 vs 4.0: Feature Comparison


This page gives a high-level highlight on the difference between Holistics 3.0 and Holistics 4.0.

Feature Comparisons

Since there are major architectural change in 4.0, not all features in 3.0 have been ported over to 4.0 yet. This table provides a brief overview of the key differences/gaps between them.

Holistics Version
4.0 (as-code)
⭐️ Analytics As-Code: Define models and reports using code
⭐️ Git Version Control: Check code into Git. Develop in branches & create pull requests.Learn more
⭐️ Integration with dbtLearn more
⭐️ AMQL: Our experimental metrics-centric query language.⚙️ Working on
⭐️ Query Parameters: Support passing user inputs into model's SQL definitions at run-time.Learn more
Data Imports: Load data into SQL database❌ Deprecated. See Note 1 below.
Modeling Experience
Automatic Relationship Creation✅ See Automatic Relationship Creation from Database
Transform Persistence✅ ⭐️ Support flow-based✅ Time-based only
Model Dependency: Allow users to delete a model (or dataset) even if it has dependenciesLearn more
User Experience (UX)
Auto-update modeling fields after changing the SQL definition
UI to edit and run SQL model✅ See release notes here.
UI to edit and run Persistence🚧 On roadmap.


1. Holistics 4.0 will not support Extract & Load (EL) use cases. We recommend using dedicated EL tools like Fivetran, Airbyte and StitchData, etc. instead.

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