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Export & Delivery Options

At times, you may come across important information that you would like to share with others or present at a meeting. Holistics offers various options to help you export and send scheduled reports and dashboards seamlessly:

  • Download as a local file
  • Export to Email / Slack / Google Sheet / SFTP
  • Scheduled delivery
Delivery optionsDestination optionsSupported file formats
ExplorationExportLocalExcel, CSV
Report widgetExportLocal, Email, Slack, Google Sheet, SFTPPDF, PNG, Excel, CSV
Scheduled deliveryEmail, Slack, Google Sheet, SFTPPDF, PNG, Excel, CSV
DashboardExportLocal, Email, SlackPDF, PNG, Excel, CSV
Scheduled deliveryEmail, Slack, Google Sheet, SFTPPDF, PNG, Excel, CSV

Data Freshness

When exporting, Holistics will use cached dashboard data when available.

While, Scheduled delivery always uses updated data from the user's database. It does not fetch data from our cache.

Export to a Local File

You can save your dashboard as a PDF or PNG file

adhoc export data

Export to Email / Slack / Google Sheet / SFTP

Beside downloading dashboard as a local file, you can also have them delivered to your colleagues or clients via Email, Slack, Google Sheet, or SFTP.

After configuring the required fields, click Send to export data to your preferred channels.

Scheduled Delivery

Scheduled deliveries can also be set up to automatically send reports or dashboards to specified recipients via Email, Slack, Google Sheets, or SFTP.

Edit/Delete/Pause/Run your Schedule

You can open an existing scheduled report for editing or deleting by following these steps:

  1. Open Schedules modal: ExportManage Schedules
  2. Click the more_horiz icon to the right of the schedule you would like to make changes to and select one of four options:
    • Run Schedule: send a scheduled report immediately.
    • Pause: disable a scheduled report.
    • Edit
    • Delete

  1. Make your desired changes and click Save.

Disable data download

We understand that data security is always a top-priority concern, especially for large organizations. With Holistics, you can prevent users from download data. As this is an Enterprise feature, please contact us at [email protected] to implement this.

Row limits on export operations

Please refer to this docs to know the maximum number of rows you can export.

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