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Billing / Invoicing / Subscriptions

Billing and Invoicing Matters

Where can I manage Holistics and Billing?

Billing and invoicing in Holistics is done via our external Billing Portal. Do note that this is a separate access from your Holistics account and as such has a separate login and password from your Holistics login.

I can't log in to the Billing Portal using my Holistics credentials

Since the Billing Portal is independent from the rest of Holistics, login credentials for Holistics application and the Billing Portal is different.

To troubleshoot your login issues:

  1. Ensure that you have access to the Billing Portal. If you don't, you will need to request access first.
  2. If you forget your billing login information, reset your password by clicking on Forgot Password? in the Billing Portal page.

What is a primary billing contact?

Primary billing contacts are the main point of contact for all billing and invoicing purposes. Each company account can only have a single primary billing contact.

By default, the email address used to sign up for the Holistics trial will be set as the primary billing contact. The primary billing contact will receive all invoices and will be able to perform certain admin billing functions on the external billing platform such as updating credit card details. Your current primary billing contact will be displayed on the in-app billing page.

Your primary billing contact does not need to be a paid Holistics user.

How do we change our primary billing contact?

Your primary billing contact can send an in-app support ticket with the Subcription/Billing ticket type and request a change in primary billing contact. Please give the the Full Name and email address of the new primary billing contact. Your primary billing contact does not need to be a paid Holistics user.

If your primary billing contact has changed recently, there will be some delay in updating it in-app. If it has not updated in-app after your next invoice, please submit a support ticket in-app.

If your primary billing contact is not currently an active user of Holistics, they can reach us via the public Contact Us Form and classify it as 'Billing and Commercial Issues'.

How do I change or update my credit card?

Your primary billing contact can edit your company's credit card from the external billing portal.

From the external billing portal homepage, go to 'My Details' and click on 'View More'. You should see your current credit card under 'Billing Details'. Click on the blue pencil icon edit to edit the existing credit card.


If you are unable to see the 'Billing Details' section you are not your company's primary billing contact.

Why can't I update the credit card information in Billing Portal?

Only the primary billing contact is able to edit/update the credit card information in the Billing Portal. To troubleshoot this issue, ensure that you have logged in using the primary billing contact credentials.

To change/update the primary billing contact information, head over to: How do we change our primary billing contact?.

Can I add a secondary credit card?

Your primary billing contact can send an in-app support ticket with the Subcription/Billing ticket type and request to add a secondary credit card. A secondary credit card will be charged in the situation where the primary credit card has failed to be charged 4 times.

If your primary billing contact is not currently an active user of Holistics, they can reach us via the public Contact Us Form and classify it as 'Billing and Commercial Issues'.

Update Billing Address

Your primary billing contact can edit your company's billing details and address from the external billing portal. This will be reflected in your invoices.

From the external billing portal homepage, go to 'My Details' and click on 'View More'. You should see your current company details under 'Account Details'. Click on the blue pencil icon edit to edit the company billing and shipping address.


If you are unable to see the 'Billing Address' section or the blue pencil icon edit , you are not your company's primary billing contact.

Update Billing Entity Name or Account Name

Your primary billing contact can send an in-app support ticket with the Subcription/Billing ticket type and request a change in billing entity or account name.

If your primary billing contact is not currently an active user of Holistics, they can reach us via the public Contact Us Form and classify it as 'Billing and Commercial Issues'.

How do I add more invoice recepients?

Your primary billing contact can send an in-app support ticket with the Subcription/Billing ticket type and request to add more recepients to the invoice mailing list. Please provide the Full Name and Email Address of the additional recepients. They can also request to remove other invoice recepients this way.

If your primary billing contact is not currently an active user of Holistics, they can reach us via the public Contact Us Form and classify it as 'Billing and Commercial Issues'.

Can I give others access to invoices?

Yes. Your primary billing contact can send an in-app support ticket with the Subcription/Billing ticket type and request to add secondary billing contacts with external billing portal access. Secondary billing contacts will be able to log into the external billing portal at any time to view and download past invoices.

Please remind your secondary billing contacts to check their email inbox for the invite and accept it to enable access to the external billing portal. Do note that external billing portal login is separate from Holistics' logins, and as such, a billing contact need not be a paid Holistics user.

If your primary billing contact is not currently an active user of Holistics, they can reach us via the public Contact Us Form and classify it as 'Billing and Commercial Issues'.

Subscription Matters

Checking your Usage

Object Usage

To see how many objects being counted in your plan, go to the billing page and look under the Usage Limit panel.

For a detailed breakdown on how your objects are being counted, click on Usage Details.

User Usage

To see how many users being counted in your plan, go to the billing page and look under the Usage Limit panel.

Please note that both Active and Pending users are counted towards the total users in your subscription plan. Deleted or Public users will not be counted. Refer to User Statuses for a detailed explanation on the differences between the user statuses in Holistics.

Adding Users or Objects to your Plan

You can change your add-ons (such as additional objects or users) from within Holistics. On the billing page within Holistics:

  1. Scroll down to the add-ons section and toggle the number of additional users and/or objects you would like to purchase
  2. Click on 'Proceed to Payment' to complete payment on our external blling portal.

Do note that the price shown within the Holistics billing page is what you will have to pay monthly inclusive of the base plan price, not just the new add-ons. It will be reflected correctly when you make payment on the external billing portal.

My usage page is empty / I cannot find my account's usage

You account may have a custom deal with Holistics, please contact our support team at for more details.

Switching to Monthly or Annual Subscription

You can switch between monthly and annual subscriptions directly from the in-app billing page (for applicable plans).

Plese keep in the mind the following important points:

  • Renewal Date Change: Switching your subscription will change the renewal date to the current date.

  • Pro-Rated Credits: The previous subscription will be pro-rated, and the remaining value will be applied as credits toward the new subscription.

For assistance or specific requests, contact your account manager or submit a support ticket in-app under the Subscription/Billing category.

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