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SSO Integration with Okta

These are instructions for setting up Holistics SAML SSO with Okta. If you use a different identity provider and need assistance with configuration, please contact our support team.

You can always follow steps on Okta's website here:

Overview | Okta Developer

Create a new application integration


  • Platform: select Web from the dropdown.
  • Sign on method: select SAML 2.0.

Create SAML integration


  • App name: Holistics
  • You can download Holistics logo via this link

SAML Settings


  • Single sign on URL: found inside Assertion consumer service URL.
  • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): found inside Identifier.


  • Name ID format: Identifies the SAML processing rules and constraints for the assertion's subject statement. You could use Unspecified since Holistics does not require any specific format.
  • Application username: Determines the default value for a user's application username. The application username will be used for the assertion's subject statement. You can select Okta username.
  • Attribute statements (our recommended mapping):
    • email →
    • first_name → user.firstName
    • last_name → user.lastName

Assign users to Holistics

In Okta's Assignments tab, you can now assign users to Holistics. At this moment we don't Automatically Create Accounts on Sign-in so you need to assign your users manually.


SAML Configuration for Holistics

  • Navigate to General Settings, and select the Single Sign On tab. You should see this:


  • After that, you need to fill in the information to complete your setup. The information can be found in Setup Instruction of your Identity Provider


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