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Export to Slack

Enabling Slack integration to deliver scheduled reports/dashboards to your Slack team. This helps your team keeps in touch with the latest data change as well as starts discussing data questions instantly from Slack.

Data Freshness

Slack Schedule always uses updated data from the user's database. It does not fetch data from our cache.

How to Setup

Configuring Slack Integration

To manage your Slack connections, please visit Integrations Page

Slack Integration

Just Click Connect to Slack and you will be redirected to Slack authorization page and asked for a Slack team you want to send to. This authorization process is required for any user since Holistics can only post to Slack channels which user has access to.

Slack authorization

Selecting Team

The first authorization with Slack requires an admin role. This authorization determines the Slack team connecting to the Holistics tenant. A Holistics tenant can connect to only 1 Slack team at a time.

Chose Slack team

To change your Slack team or disable Slack integration please visit: Integration Settings

Slack Schedule for Report

This feature allows scheduling reports and sending the result to Slack channel.

From the Report you want to set Slack Schedule, select Schedules > New Slack Schedules

You will be presented with the Slack schedule form. Choose public channels you want to send to. For private channels, please manually type the channel name: e.g. #top_secret

Slack Schedule for Dashboard

From the Dashboard you want to set Slack Schedule, select Export > Send to Slack

After selecting Channel, Frequency, Filters and Message, click Save to submit your Slack Schedules.

Formatting Message

Please refer to the following Slack documentation:

Report Expiration


The reports sent to Slack Channel gets expired after a week.

Right now, by default, the images posted to Slack are stored in our storage. But the image may contain your sensitive data, so for security reasons, we don't store it infinitely but will automatically expire the link after 1 week.

Upcoming resolution: We'll also support uploading the image directly to your Slack workspace, and the images will always be available (please note that there is a File Storage Limit in Slack).

If you would love to upload the image directly to Slack, please contact [email protected] and we can enable it for you.

Note that you may need to re-authorize the Slack in Holistics in order to grant the image uploading permission. Visit Integration Settings page, in the Slack Integration section, you will be prompted to authorize Slack again if the current token is outdated. Otherwise, if there is no prompt, that means the Slack token has enough permission and no further action is needed.

Managing all Holistics Slack authorizations of your team

In order to view and manage all Holistics Slack authorizations of your team, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit Holistics on Slack App Directory
  2. Make sure you have selected the correct Slack workspace in the top-right corner

Slack App Directory

  1. Go to the Configuration tab and manage the authorizations of your team.

Slack App Configuration

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