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Create Table Models

Knowledge Checkpoint

A grasp of these concepts will help you understand this documentation better:

In the Holistics's demo account, you will have access to the demo_database Data Source. This Data Source is a PostgreSQL database that contains several demo datasets in different schemas, and the data we will use for this tutorial is in the movies schema.

In Holistics, the first step to access the tables in your database is to create Table Models. Table Models are like views created on top that allow you to add more functionality to your physical tables without actually modifying them.

Now, let's create your first Table Model !

  1. Navigate to the Data Modeling page

  2. Select the Data Source you have just created. The left panel will display a tree of existing folders and models in the data source.

  1. Navigate to a folder where you want to place your new models in, and click Create Data Model → Data Table:

    You can also click on the (+) button next to a folder name to open the menu

  2. Check the box next to the movies schema to select all tables available in this schema, and click Create.

    Table Models representing the tables in your database will be created. At the moment, Holistics will concatenate schema and table name to create Table Model's name:

  3. Add descriptions for the model and the fields

    To help your end-users understand the context of data, it is good practice to add descriptions to important fields, or change the default field label to make it clear. You will be navigated to our Data Modeling Layer Page by clicking on each data model and start editing the description.

    For example, I have changed the default label of budget to estimate budget.

    And add description for the budget field to better explain what this field is about. Descriptions are also added for revenue and imdb_id fields.

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