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Interact with the Dashboard

Knowledge Checkpoint

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In this tutorial, let's go through a few basic interactions with a dashboard.

Editing a widget

In this section, we will add more information to the basic Revenue by Production Company widget.

  1. Click on the ... symbol on top of a widget → Edit Report

    The widget edit screen will appear.

  2. Drag in the Imdb ID field, and change the aggregation to CountD to count number of movies produced by a company.

    Click Get Result if you want to view the changes.

  3. Click Save to finish, and you will be navigated back to the dashboard

Explore a widget

When viewing a dashboard, you can also open an Exploration screen of a widget to freely drag-and-drop without accidentally modifying the underlying widget.

  1. Right click on the visualization → Explore

    Another way is click on the ... symbol → Explore Data.

    The Exploration modal will appear with the current dashboard filter applied:

    This widget is displaying a scatter chart of movie budget - revenue grouped by Budget Range. Now we only want to look at aggregation metrics of each budget range.

  2. Click on Data Table visualization. The Table Fields area will revert to the basic field listing format.

  3. Now we change things up a bit

    • Remove Original Title field.
    • Drag the Budget Range to the top of the list
    • Drag in the Imdb ID field, change aggregation method to Count Distinct. Rename the field to Movies Count
    • Change Budget and Revenue's aggregations to Sum
  4. Click Get Result. We will see there is a row where Budget Range is null - this is because there are movies with no Budget value.

  5. If we want to remove that row, in the Conditions section, select Budget Range field, "is not null" operator → Click Apply

    A new condition will be added to the setting.

  6. Click Get Result, and you will see the NULL Budget Range row was removed

  7. Remove Release Date last 20 years condition since we will not need it. Get Result, then click on the v icon on top of Movies CountSort Descending.

    We will see that in this data set, the largest portion of the movie has a budget between $1 million - $5 million USD.

  8. Click Save As → Input widget title and select a new dashboard to save this exploration into. In this case, we have created a Movie Production Companies Overview dashboard beforehand.

  9. Follow the link provided and you will be navigated to the new Dashboard

Business Calculation

Among the movies with known budgets, how many movies are profitable? We will answer this using a Business Calculation.

Business Calculation feature allows end-users add calculations to the report using a simple set of syntax. In this section, we will create a Profitable Movies Count calculation that only count the movies with revenue greater than budget.

  1. Click ... on top of the Movie Metrics by Budget Range widget → Edit Report to enter the report edit mode.

  2. In the Table Fields area, click Add field...Add Business Calculation.

    The Create Business Calculation modal will appear. Enter Field Label, Description (if necessary), and the Formula:

    when: movies_metadata.revenue > movies_metadata.budget
    , then:
    , else: null

  3. Click Create to finish. Get Result to view the result of the new calculation

  4. Click Save to finish, and you will be brought back to the dashboard view.

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