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Schedule a Dashboard Export

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In the previous tutorials, we built a Movie Statistics Dashboard. Let's say you and your friends are movie enthusiasts and would like to keep track of the development of the movie industry regularly. This can be easily done by scheduling an export to your emails.

Did you know

Apart from email export schedule, Holistics also offers a variety of dashboard schedule methods such as Slack export schedule, Google Sheets export schedule, etc. Head over to the Sharing Data Externally section to learn more!

Let's review the steps to schedule an email export on our dashboard!

  1. At the Dashboard view, click on Export → Send to Email

  2. The Data Delivery modal will appear. Here you can customize how you want to deliver the email

    • Recipients: Valid email addresses that will receive the mail
    • Frequency: Specify how often and when you will receive the mail
    • Attachments: If you select any of these, you will receive a copy of the dashboard in the specified format along with the mail
    • Filters: If you want to override the dashboard's default filters, you can set a new filter condition here.

  3. Click Send Test if you want to send a single email to the specified addresses to test your setup.

  4. Click Save to finish the process. The dashboard export will be sent when the next time point specified in Frequency is reached.

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