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Actitivity Logs

What is the Activity Monitoring Dashboard?

The Activity Logs Dashboard is a realtime audit trail that documents each user’s activities, including what resources they have viewed/ made changes to, timestamp of dates and times and even their IP addresses. You can also use the built-in filter to query your desired log.

How to access

To access Activity Logs, go to menu Menu -> list Activity Logs.

Filtering activities

The built-in filter allows you to narrow down activities that fit your pre-defined set of criteria in the Activity Monitoring Dashboard.

Action Filter

All recorded users' activities will fall under one of our pre-set categories, which is helpful when you want to search by action type using this filter.

Below is the list of all recorded activity types in Holistics.

1View report
2Submit report
3Update report
4Create report
5Destroy report
6Export report
7View dashboard
9Activate account
10Add user to group
11Remove user from group
13Create user
12Invite user
14View dataset
15Create dataset
16Update dataset
17Delete dataset

Target Class Filter

This filter will help you scope down all operations that have been done against a particular target group.

Below is the list of all target classes in Holistics.

No.Target Class
3Query Report
4Email Schedule
6Report Category
7Shared Filter

Data Retention Period

Please refer to our Data Retention Policy for more information.

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