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Usage Monitoring

  • Usage Monitoring dashboard is available to all customers
  • However, certain extra features in Usage Monitoring will be available in Standard Plan and above only
    • These extra features include: Export of Widget data (Excel and CSV)
    • For customers who are eligible for these extra features but cannot find it in-app, or customers in Entry Plan and would like to give them a spin, please let us know via this form: Holistics's Support Ticket.

What is Usage Monitoring dashboard

Usage Monitoring is a real-time tool that displays internal monitoring metrics related to the usage and activities of your organization’s dashboards.

Only Admins are authorized to access this dashboard.

How to access

To access Usage Monitoring, go to menu Menu -> monitor Usage Monitoring.


The dashboard consists of various widgets that present different usage metrics, grouped into Dashboard Usage and User Activities categories.

Dashboard Usage

  1. Total Views on dashboards
  2. Total Dashboards count
  3. Views of dashboard over time
  4. Count of dashboard viewed over time
  5. Active Dashboards listing: list of viewed dashboards, sorted by their (1st) last view date & (2nd) view count
  6. Dashboards with no view: list of dashboards having no view within the filtered time range

User Activities

  1. Total Users count by User role
  2. Count of Viewers of Dashboards over time
  3. Active Viewers listing: list of dashboard viewers, sorted by (1st) last view date & (2nd) view count
  4. Users with no dashboard view activity: list of Users making no view within the filtered time range

Interact with the dashboard

The Usage Monitoring dashboard offers several interactive features, which are useful when you want to explore the usage data further.


  • Time range filter: you can edit the value for your desired time range of data.

    According to our Data Rentention Policy, Holistics will retain your data for 180 days before removing it from the system. Therefore, there will be no usage data prior to this 180-day mark.

  • You can also use Cross-filtering feature to interact with the data points.


You can utilize the Date-drill feature to quickly change the time granularity of Usage data as well.

Date-drill is available in Standard Plan & above.

Export widget data

You can download the data (Excel, CSV) of Usage Monitoring dashboard & its widgets.

Exporting widget data is available in Standard Plan & above.


  • Usage Monitoring contains the usage data of dashboards
  • For other objects such as datasets or data models, their usage is not included.
  • Usage Monitoring counts both the in-app views and the public views (embedded and shareable links) of dashboards
    • However, since public viewers of Shareable Links are anonymous, Holistics will accumulate all Shareable Link views count for that dashboard under one single user ID (example: [email protected])
      • For example: If 3 public users visited a shareable link 10 times in total, there will be only one [email protected] email responsible for the 10 views.
    • The same goes for Embedded Analytics view count for a dashboard (example: [email protected]).

If you have any requests of other usage metrics, please reach out to us via Usage Monitoring dashboard’s Feedback form or Support tickets.

Data Retention Period

Please refer to our Data Retention Policy for more information.

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